Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Kindergarten News

Kindergarten News:

I just wanted to update you on what we are currently learning in class.

Reading- We are learning about fiction and non fiction. In reading we have sorted the books in our library into fiction and non fiction piles. We have also spoken about what makes a book fiction and what makes it non fiction.

Writing- the children are completing their How To Books. They have chosen something they are good at and are writing a step by step book on how to do it. This is different from the List and Label books they wrote a while ago which was one word on a page. In this book the children have written sentences! What an accomplishment! We are soon moving on to Friendly letters, where the children are going to write letters to each other and mail them out. They can't wait to receive their very own mail! 

Math- We have completed addition and subtraction, shapes and measurements. We are moving on to time! Don't worry...we always review our past units to make sure it is ALWAYS fresh in our heads. 

Science- We finished Force and Motion and are beginning our Life Science Unit where we talk all about plants, animals and more!

Social Studies- We are learning about Bridges and Tunnels

I hope this has given you and inside into what we are learning. These points should help you be able to talk to your children about what they have been up to in Kindergarten!

Morah Dawn

Happy Birthday Ashlee

Kindergarten  celebrated Ashlee's birthday. We made a yummy cake and birthday cards for her. All of the children gave Ashlee special birthday wishes, gave tzedakah and danced to the song of her choice. After we ate delicious cake! Thank you to Ashlee's family for joining us and for the special class gift!

Force and Motion Using Ramps

Kindergarten completed their Force and Motion unit. We discussed many ideas like the difference between push and pull, how ramps affect motion, how weight affects motion and other various things that affect the motion of something. 
We made a Venn Diagram using various pictures of things that move and placed them in either the push, pull or even both circles.
The children had worksheets for review and also experimented with different types of ramps, smooth ramps, bumpy ramps, etc. They got to see first hand how various things may affect motion. 

Number Bonds

Kindergarten learned all about sets of ten. This week we introduced the concept of number bonds. Morah started the lesson with discussing various numbers that together make ten. We drew them out on a marker board. The children then had the opportunity to draw their own number bonds. Morah gave them the number ten and they all came up with various ways to make ten using two numbers. Some of the children were able to make ten using three numbers. for example 8 and 2, 5 and 5 or even 3 and 3 and 4. 
We also practiced this idea using ten frames. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

More Readers from Literacy Month!

Naomi A.'s mom came to read, The Mystery Bear! It was a perfect story for right before Purim! Thank you for coming to read to us.

Mariella' s mom came to read to us as well. She read a book to us that was written in Russian!

Thank you both for coming to read to us! We had so much fun!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Naomi!

Kindergarten celebrated Naomi's birthday!! Baking is a great way to learn about following recipes and measurements, so the class worked as a team to make the cake. At the party, we gave birthday wishes, tzedakah, danced to Naomi's choice song and ate yummy birthday cake! The class also made a special birthday card for our birthday girl. Thank you to Naomi's family for celebrating with us and for the wonderful class gift of Word Family Wheels! The children love using it for centers.