Monday, October 13, 2014


K2 was been busy at work getting read for the holiday of SUKKOS.

The class formed a sukkah with the bodies, some friends were the floor, others were the walls and the rest used their arms as schach branches and leaves for the roof

We also made our own Lulav and Esrog set. We scrunched the esrog down into the oval shape. Scrunching strengthens our fingers. We rolled the Lulav up and twisted our pipe cleaners to secure it in place. Lots of fine motor skills were required for this.

K2 also made foam lanterns to hand up in the sukkah.
We cut and decorated - it was so much fun!

Sukkah Fun

On Monday, all of the classes had a scavenger hunt to find pieces of the mystery Sukkos puzzle. In 3 different groups, the K2 friends formed their puzzle and then enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch in the Sukkah.


On Monday and Tuesday all of the Mazel Day School friends had a chance to eat lunch in the Sukkah at school. We shook a real Lulav and Esrog. See below a photo of each K2 friend who shook the lulav on Monday. 

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