Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Month of Elul

Elul - Preparing for the High Holidays

K2 read the story of The King In The Feild which describes how Hashem is so close to us during the whole entire month of Elul. He is like a King who ventures out among the people, waiting, asking and wanting hear how He can help. It is so easy to reach out to Hashem during this time.

Morah Sharon dressed up as a King to read the story


Because ELUL is a month of preparation for the upcoming High Holidays, we remind ourselves to do good, collect as many mitzvos as we can and remember Hashem by blowing the shofar daily. Rabbi Naftali came to our class to blow the shofar for us. 

We also read the story about Shofy and Blowfy and the Shofar. Each K2 friend had a chance to hold, examine and try to blow a shofar. We couldn't wait until Rosh Hashana when we hear it blown in Shul.

Passing the shofar around

Elul 25th - The Birthday of the World.

Both K1 and K2 came together for a special Birthday Party. We know that Rosh Hashana marks the creation of Man. Therefore, the world was 'born' or began its creation 6 days prior. Making it the 25th of Elul.

Morah Sharon brought a surprise wrapped up. Everybody had a chance to guess what was inside. Some friends were selected to help the Morahs open up the surprise.

It was a globe. We made a crown for the globe and sang Happy Birthday to the World. We wished the environment lots of lasting health and sustainability and said we would recycle paper by having a scrap paper box so we can help reduce waste. 


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