Thursday, November 6, 2014

Writing Practice and Letter Sorting

Kindergarten is learning to label pictures and even form sentences. Below the children are practicing writing sentences and sorting capital and lowercase letters.

Math in Motion

Below the children continue to practice various math skills such as counting, smaller or greater, writing numbers, building teen numbers and more!!

Below the children are doing review in their workbooks, worksheets and on a 
Montessori Teen Hanging Board

The children are building teen numbers with unfix cubes 

Below we are playing guess the number. It's a great way to review smaller or greater 

Below we are using ten frames and play-doh to count

Below we are using Lego Pieces to count in an orderly fashion 

Below we are sorting pieces in our number box and 
counting and writing numbers with our red/blue rods

Making Predictions When Reading!

Kindergarten learned how to make predictions when reading a book. We read the book,It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. Before we got to the last page, Morah stopped reading and asked the children to predict what they thought the spilt milk really was? We made a chart with everyone's predictions. We then went back to our table and drew our predictions, which are currently on our bulletin board. We will eventually put it together to for a class book. 

Rachel's Mommy Came to Visit!!

Rachel's Mommy came to visit!! Mrs. Gurevich is an architect for the MTA. She came in to talk about what she does. She talked about all the various forms of transportation she works with and models they build. She brought in pictures of her in the field, spoke about subway maps and even brought in subway signs, toy trains and buses for the children to look at. 
As an extra surprise, Mrs. Gurevich also read the children a book in Hebrew and taught them a Hebrew song and dance. 
A special treat was sent home in each child's bag...a subway map, metro card and holder, pens and a helmet key chain flashlight!
The children had such an amazing time! Thank you so much for visiting our classroom!! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Adorable Library Moments

Below are cute Kodak moments caught during library time.

Happy Birthday Rafael!

Kindergarten celebrated Rafael's birthday! The children made birthday cards for him and even helped make the birthday cake! Everyone gave Rafael a special birthday wish and he gave a bracha to his class as well. We remembered to do mitzvahs and give tzedakah and say a bracha on our yummy cake! Thank you to Rafael's mommy for coming to celebrate with us.