Monday, November 3, 2014

Kindness in Kindergarten

In kindergarten we learn various social skills. We spoke about the importance of using kind words. Morah handed each student a small heart that they wrote their name on and decorated. When we were done, we went around the circle, each student giving an example of unkind words that may hurt their feelings. We then crumpled the paper hearts and held it in our fist. After, we were given a partner to help fix each others hearts. We came back to the circle and the children explained they weren't able to fix it. We learned that though we apologize when we say something unkind, there will still remain a crumple on the person’s heart you hurt. Therefore it is so important to only use kind words to each other.
After we learned the importance of only using kind words, kindergarten decided to take new hearts and draw/write positive, kind words on them. Kindergarten will try to make it a priority to only use kind words!

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