Friday, April 3, 2015


So just before the winter break, we celebrated the festival of Chanukkah.

Each student made their own menorah, we learned the story of the Maccabees, sang songs, prepared our amazing debut stage performance 'Those Were The Nights', went to visit an old age home, played dreidl and participated in a fabulous chanukkah carnival.
We talked about how oil is lighter than water
and would float on top

We learned about the golden  menorah
in the Mishkan and the Beit Hamikdash

We had a chance to light the Menorah
in school every day with real olive oil


 See below our adorable costumes for the Chanukkah Recital. We sang 'Those Were The Nights' By the Yeshiva Boys Choir


The middle school ran stalls for all of the Mazel students to enjoy. After a quick orientation, the K2 friends paired up and explored the stalls at their own pace. They got to dress up as Maccabees and ancient Israelites, get their faces painted, and much much more!! Even Morah Sharon joined in the fun

Racing to eat the doughnut on a string. No Hands!!

Find the Chanukkah gelt pennies hidden in the flour!


Mazel was lucky to host the OLIVE OIL PRESS once again. Kindergarten had a chance to see and participate in the process of making olive oil. We then lit the menorah with the oil we helped to create. We were such pros!

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