Saturday, April 25, 2015

Israel day at Mazel

Israel, Mine and Yours.

 K2 explored a map of Israel on Thursday, April 23rd. During Ivrit, Morah Mushka pointed out various landmarks, features and special places. We learned that even though it is so small, there are still beaches, deserts, mountains capped with snow, forests and wide open grassy hills and feilds.

We read a book about the Kotel and about how almost the whole entire county is Jewish. When we celebrate festivals, we do it in our home, but in Israel, the whole country celebrates.

We learned that it has been 67 years since Jewish people were in charge of our special land again. Everybody was so excited.

Kindergarten interviews a REAL soldier!!

 We learned that many soldiers have given up so much in order to keep Israel safe and they still protect the land today. Some people even travel from outside the country and volunteer their time to serve in the I.D.F (Israeli Defence Force).

These people are called 'Lone Soldiers' because they don't have a family to come home to when they are on breaks or off base.

    We discussed what life must be like for the soldiers and asked lots of questions. We wrote these questions down and the next day we had a chance to interview a REAL lone soldier - Laibel. He served in the IDF a few years ago.  

He came to our class with his uniform on and told us about his time in the army. He answered all of our questions and even passed around his hat for all the friends to try on.   

    We wrote him thank you notes and presented it to him at the end of his visit. 




Felafel Lunch

On Friday, Mazel students enjoyed a delicious lunch with pita bread, Israeli salad and felafel balls. For some friends, it was their first time trying it - we really enjoyed the treat.

Israel Day Show and Tell

On Friday, all the K2 friends brought in an item for Show & Tell, which has a connection to Israel. In the afternoon, we had a chance to have a closer look at the items which were brought in. Everybody did such a fabulous job discussing their items. The class responses with lots of interesting questions and comments.



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