Sunday, April 5, 2015


Creating our Hagadah covers

Throughout our entire unit on Pesach, we created a little more of our hagadah each day. The final product is what your child brought home for Pesach break. Our covers were decorated by using bleeding tissue paper, arranged in whichever way we wanted. The tissue paper was then sprayed with water and blotted. It made our hands dirty but it was so much fun. We also did the same for our parsha books. Each page in our hagadah was interactive. We spent lots of time learning about each step of the seder and all associated songs. Your child knows their way around their hagadah, please ask them to take your on a tour if you haven't already, and sing you all the songs or explain the scenes or steps represented on each page :)

Model Matzah Factory

Kindergarten visited the Model Matzah factory on Thursday March 26th. We had a chance to see the process of how matza is made right from the cutting and grinding of the wheat stalks all the way to baked matzah. Everybody had a chance to participate and make their own. While the matza was baking, we saw a live show about the 10 plagues and the exodus from Egypt. Many friends were selected as volunteers and actors in the performance. Even though a few of us had visited before, it was so much fun to see it and participate all over again. We had already learned about the process in school before we even came to the bakery, it was great to see what we already knew up close and in action.

The wheat stalks were husked so all the kernels could be ground up into flour.

A few friends had a change to turn the grinder and see real flour come out

We added water and made the dough

Everybody brought their rolled dough to the oven and had holes poked through it before it was baked into matza.

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